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    London 結果共73筆

  • 疑私下交易遭房客殺害 混血正妹Airbnb屋主「慘死上億豪宅」

    英國發生恐怖凶殺案,27歲的香港與泰國混血兒蒂安帕妮(Kamonnan Thiamphanit),4月8日被發現倒斃於倫敦(London)市中心豪宅內,身上有多處刀傷。她長年在Airbnb出租房源,疑似與一名房客進行3萬英鎊(約122萬新台幣)交易後慘遭殺害。
    2024/05/06 14:22
  • 真脫韁野馬!英皇家近衛騎兵馬匹暴走 市區亂撞至少5人傷

    英國皇家近衛騎兵(Household Cavalry)今(24)日上午舉行晨練時,5匹馬疑似受驚暴走,在倫敦(London)市中心橫衝直撞,其中一匹馬甚至撞上汽車,身上的士兵當場鮮血四濺,痛苦倒地。目前3個不同地點估計有5人受傷。
    2024/04/24 17:58
  • 股價慘崩百倍 英國潮牌Superdry下市重整

    曾經獲得大批青少年族群喜愛,知名網紅服裝品牌Superdry(極度乾燥)如今卻在一整年銷售成果不佳,外加公司虧損擴大的壓力下,被迫選擇從倫敦證券交易所(London Stock Exchange)下市進行重整。根據Superdry官方聲明指出,他們必須這麼做,否則公司將被迫進入破產管理程序。接下來將在股東大會提案,最快7月底之前就能完成下市。
    2024/04/16 17:12
  • 萬張早鳥票秒殺!《從拉斐爾到梵谷》陣容超強 預購攻略一次看

    奇美博物館將於今年5月迎來國際級大展《從拉斐爾到梵谷:英國國家藝廊珍藏展》(Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London),展出拉斐爾、梵谷、林布蘭等大師級畫家的真跡。消息一出立刻造轟動,於1日開賣的主題票券也在3分鐘內就銷售一空,讓網友直呼「比演唱會門票還難搶」。5月、6月的一般票券將於3月11日開放購買,《DailyView網路溫度計》整理了購票連結及相關注意事項,提供給讀者參考。
    2024/03/05 20:37
  • Chimei Museum to host exclusive UK art exhibition

    Discover the historic "Masterpieces from the National Gallery in London" exhibition at Taiwan’s Chimei Museum, showcasing works by renowned artists like Raphael, Rembrandt, and Van Gogh. Reserve your timed-entry slot to witness 52 iconic pieces from the UK’s esteemed National Gallery, a rare opportunity in its 200-year history. Don’t miss this exclusive event, a must-see for art enthusiasts, before the masterpieces return to London for the Gallery’s bicentennial celebrations.
    2024/02/21 15:14
  • A-mei announces London concert as part of global tour

    Taiwanese pop diva A-mei, also known as Chang Hui-mei, is scheduled to perform in London on April 10 as part of her global tour, "ASMeiR WORLD TOUR." The Taipei city government and music enthusiasts have expressed interest in A-mei holding a personal concert at the newly inaugurated Taipei Dome. A-mei’s agent, Isaac Chen, confirmed her upcoming concert in London and revealed plans for a new album under her alter ego "A-Mit." Despite not performing at Lunar New Year banquets in Taiwan for the past four years, A-mei will stage a 45-minute performance for Wistron Corporation, a tech service company in Taiwan, on February 2.
    2024/01/24 14:01
  • 有片/13級風狂襲英國萬戶斷電 班機「空中猛晃」降落全機鼓掌

    伊莎風暴(Storm Isha)近日挾13級狂風襲擊英國,數十架客機被迫改道,一架英國航空(British Airways)從伊比薩島(Ibiza)飛往倫敦(London)的班機就是其中之一;乘客拍攝的影片顯示,在機長奮力控制住飛機,搖搖晃晃驚險降落後,機艙內頓時爆出一陣歡呼。
    2024/01/22 13:27
  • K-Pop Icon IU set to perform at Taipei Arena in April 2024

    South Korean star IU, known as the "Nation’s Little Sister," has surprised fans by revealing her 2024 world tour schedule on Instagram. The acclaimed singer-songwriter, composer, and actress will be performing at the Taipei Arena on April 6 and 7. This marks IU’s return to Taiwan after four years and her debut performance at the renowned venue. IU is highly popular in Taiwan, thanks to her past visits and engaging activities for her fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. World Tour Concert" will take her to various global cities, including Seoul, Yokohama, Singapore, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, London, Berlin, Bangkok, Osaka, Newark, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Rosemont, Oakland, and Los Angeles. IU is not only known for her powerful singing ability but also for her top-notch acting skills, showcased in hit Korean dramas such as "My Mister" and "Hotel del Luna." With the announcement of her Taiwan concerts, a ticket sales frenzy is expected.
    2024/01/17 16:39
  • Cynthia Wu sheds ’Princess’ label, eyes Taiwan’s work reform

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu aims to tackle societal issues and improve Taiwan’s working environment. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Wu characterizes the cooperation between Kuomintang (KMT) and China as too close, while the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is overly confrontational. She believes the "1992 consensus" needs updating and suggests that China propose a new treaty to foster dialogue. Wu acknowledges her privileged background and welcomes the nickname "Princess" given by the media. She emphasizes her attention to economically vulnerable populations, drawing on her work experience in London and business travels in Asia, Brazil, India, and Kenya. Wu was chosen as the primary election partner by party chairperson Ko Wen-je for her business background and international investment experience.
    2024/01/04 14:57
  • 名媛芭黎絲希爾頓以巴黎為名 女兒跟媽一樣特別叫「倫敦」 

    因為外流性愛影片與希爾頓集團(Hilton Worldwide)繼承人成名,名媛芭黎絲・希爾頓(Paris Hilton)在個人社群宣佈,迎接第二個孩子降臨。《天空新聞》報導,1月份才剛剛迎接長子鳳凰(Phoenix)誕生的芭黎絲,25日又在粉專宣佈第二個孩子誕生,她給了寶貝女兒一個與眾不同的名字,與媽媽一樣和某座大城同名,母親是巴黎、女兒就叫「倫敦」(London)。
    2023/11/25 15:52
  • 乘客感覺好冷好吵 英客機高空飛行驚覺「窗戶少兩扇」

    一架從倫敦史坦斯特機場(London Stansted Airport)起飛的空巴A321客機(Airbus A321),綜合外媒報導稱,客機起飛後不久,乘客們開始向機組人員反應,機艙溫度比過往更冷,同時各種雜音或噪音也更大聲,當客機抵達安全高度後,機組員開始檢查整個機身狀況,才發現他們少了兩扇窗戶、還有一扇的橡膠封條外露隨風飄動。經過評估後,機長決定折返降落,初步檢查報告顯示,該架客機飛行過程中,壓力一直維持正常,並沒有出現危險或異常通告。
    2023/11/10 10:20
  • 二度請吃閉門羹!哈利拒幫查爾斯慶生 傳因1事關係緊繃

    英國國王查爾斯(King Charles)將於14日歡慶75歲大壽,為期一周的慶祝活動預定於9日在倫敦(London)展開,然而與王室關係漸行漸遠的小兒子哈利王子(Prince Harry)卻婉拒邀約,是他自9月拒絕參加伊莉莎白女王(Queen Elizabeth)逝世週年紀念活動後,第二度請父親吃閉門羹。
    2023/11/06 18:08
  • 殯儀館慶萬聖節 櫥窗秀「骷髏、血手印」挨轟不敬死者

    2023/10/31 17:43
  • Hou Hsiao-hsien’s love of film flows albeit dementia

    Renowned Taiwanese filmmaker Hou Hsiao-hsien has retired due to dementia, as announced by film scholar Tony Rayns at the Garden Cinema in London. Despite being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, Hou had been actively preparing for his next film, driven by his unwavering passion for cinema. While his in-progress film, "On the Shulan River" ("Searching for the River God"), will not be completed, Hou’s past contributions to the world of cinema have earned him acclaim both domestically and internationally.
    2023/10/26 15:06
  • LSE professor shares insights on AI’s role in journalism

    Explore insights from Charlie Beckett, a professor at the London School of Economics, as he discusses the future of the media industry in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Speaking at the CTeC Asia event, Beckett emphasized the need for a human element in AI-driven newsrooms and shared tips for aspiring journalists.
    2023/10/21 23:52
  • 疑買到詛咒畫像!詭異微笑招噩運 「電網秒癱瘓」她慘骨折

    2023/10/14 05:10
  • Tasty pork belly buns make splash in Taiwan despite typhoon

    Discover how Taipei residents braved Typhoon Koinu to enjoy London’s popular pork belly bun pop-up. Learn about the secret to its success and its limited 19-day offering. Explore the unique fusion of traditional Taiwanese flavors and Western tastes with U.S. steak patties and adorable packaging.
    2023/10/05 21:08
  • 沒睡飽會要命!英研究:睡不到5小時死亡風險恐增25%

    充足的睡眠是擁有健康身體的基礎,然而現代人因生活壓力及其他諸多因素,許多人都有睡眠不足的問題。對此,眼科醫師弗里德里希(Dan Friederich)以2022年英國倫敦大學學院(University College London)的研究提醒民衆,每天只睡4到5個小時恐有嚴重的致命風險。
    2023/08/23 05:20
  • 唐鳳會晤英安全大臣 陸大使館氣炸:粗暴干涉中國內政

    數位發展部部長唐鳳11日出訪英國,出席倫敦科技週(London Tech Week),並於14日與英國安全大臣圖根哈特(Tom Tugendhat)會面。此舉引發北京不滿,中國駐英國大使館發言人18日痛批,此舉嚴重違反一個中國原則,粗暴干涉中國內政。
    2023/06/19 12:27
  • 雙手遭反銬還可槍殺警察 英毒蟲辯:自閉症崩潰

    英國倫敦(London)南部克羅伊登警局(Croydon Police Station)拘留室日前發生一起誇張命案,25歲男子路易斯(Louis De Zoysa)因攜帶毒品、彈藥遭逮捕,未料在審訊期間,雙手被反銬的他竟「從腋下掏出槍枝」,射殺身前的54歲警察拉塔納(Matiu Ratana);駭人監視器影像近日曝光。
    2023/06/10 10:14
  • 離奇!3小時跑完倫敦馬拉松 45歲男回家突暴斃

    英國一名熱愛運動的45歲男子,23日花了不到3小時就完賽倫敦馬拉松(London Marathon),不過卻在返家途中離奇暴斃身亡。男子是一名經驗豐富的跑者,參加過歐洲各地的比賽,贏得多項不同距離的冠軍;同時也精通多項運動,在2008年獲得摔跤冠軍。妻子悲痛公布死訊後,許多運動愛好者紛紛表達哀悼。
    2023/04/27 12:01
  • 不是銀杏!記憶衰退「吃藍莓有效」 研究證實:還顧血壓

    時常會因為健忘、犯糊塗而被朋友笑稱「要吃銀杏」嗎?由倫敦國王學院生命科學與醫學學院(King’s College London Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine)公開的研究指出,要改善記憶力衰退的問題,最重要就是花青素的攝取,而在種類繁多的食物當中,藍莓也是最為人推崇的選項之一。
    2023/04/24 11:26
  • 麋先生、宇宙人倫敦開唱 朝聖披頭四「艾比路」被認出

    人氣樂團「宇宙人」與「麋先生」日前在英國百年劇院改建而成的Live House「Scala London」演出,踏上歐美搖滾天團酷玩樂團(Coldplay)、魔力紅(Maroon 5)、幽浮一族樂團(Foo Fighters)等人站過的舞台,讓宇宙人與麋先生的團員無比興奮,現場吸引千名滿場觀眾,一睹兩團的精彩表演,甚至有歌迷專程從愛爾蘭飛到倫敦朝聖,讓頂著時差演出的他們大為感動。
    2023/02/25 16:47
  • 出席活動被問「能帶哈利回來嗎?」 查爾斯三世1字神回

    英國哈利王子(Prince Harry)去年起接連推出Netflix紀錄片《哈利與梅根》、(Harry and Meghan)、回憶錄《備胎》(Spare),大爆王室內幕,他與家人間的關係備受外界關注。即將於5月接受加冕的查爾斯三世(King Charles III)8日訪問東倫敦大學(University of East London)時,被學生問到「你能把哈利帶回來嗎?」他用一個字回答巧妙化解尷尬。
    2023/02/12 11:39
  • GG越小越想買跑車! 英研究證實:30歲後更明顯

    許多男性對於車子都有一定程度的興趣,不過近日卻有研究指出,男性想要購買跑車的慾望,竟然與其生殖器的大小有關。倫敦大學學院(University College London)實驗心理學系的一組研究團隊,找來200名男性受試者,年齡介於18歲到74歲之間,實驗發現,當男性認為自己的生殖器小於平均值時,會更嚮往想要擁有跑車。
    2023/01/13 22:50
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